vertigo relief in Pittsburgh PAThe path to seeking lasting vertigo relief in Pittsburgh PA begins by tracing the root cause of the symptom. That’s because vertigo itself isn’t a condition but rather an indication of several health problems ranging from BPPV to brain tumors. Thankfully, several diagnostic tests can help narrow down the most plausible explanation behind your spinning sensations. One example is running a blood test to detect prestin and otolin-1, two inner ear biomarkers.


Prestin, Otolin-1 and Vertigo Blood Test

Hospitals have been using blood tests to confirm certain diseases and disorders. For example, doctors request a complete metabolic panel blood test to check a patient’s liver function and detect problems like liver cirrhosis or Gilbert’s Syndrome.  

In the case of hearing loss and vertigo, lead researcher Dr. Kourush Parham from UConn Health suggests testing for the presence of an inner ear biomarker called prestin and otolin-1. Essentially, prestin is a protein that regulates the movements or vibrations of the cochlea’s outer hair cells. On the one hand, otolin-1 is an inner ear protein that serves as one of the ingredients in creating the otoliths or calcium crystals. 

Dr. Parham’s findings suggest that the presence of prestin and otolin-1 in the blood sample can readily indicate a hearing or balance problem (due to BPPV). He hopes to explore further other inner ear biomarkers that could test for other vertigo-causing conditions like Meniere’s disease and vestibular neuritis. 

Currently, Dr. Parham and his colleagues use the procedure as a diagnostic test at UConn. Interested patients can explore this option. However, if you don’t have access to UConn, you can try other diagnostic procedures.


Other Tests Used to Diagnose Causes of Vertigo

Besides the vertigo blood test that looks for specific inner ear proteins, you have other options for vertigo diagnosis. A few examples include: 

Hearing tests 

Audiometric tests analyze your ear’s auditory function and detect possible signs of damage. It can also reveal potential nerve problems that may be the root cause of your dizzying spells.

MRI Scan 

Magnetic Resonance Imaging scans can help reveal vertigo-causing conditions like brain tumors and inner ear inflammation. At times, an MRI scan can also check for vertebral subluxation, another potential cause of chronic vertigo attacks. 

Blood analysis

A complete blood count and blood cholesterol profiling can explain the potential causes of false motions or spinning sensations. For example, a high blood sugar level could indicate your vertigo attacks may be a symptom of diabetes, one of the leading ailments in the USA. If you have a low RBC and hemoglobin count, you might have anemia and it could be why you feel dizzy and unsteady.

CT Scan

A computer tomography scan comes in handy in detecting skull abnormalities that might alter your inner ear function. This could be in the form of fractures or thinning bones.

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and vertigo download our complimentary e-book How to Naturally Relieve Vertigo without Drugs by clicking the image below.

How Long Does It Take to Diagnose Vertigo?

Vertigo is a widely occurring symptom that can indicate CNS problems and inner ear defects. Sometimes, it can also be an accompanying symptom of systemic illnesses like diabetes. This is why it can be extra tricky to get an accurate and quick diagnosis from your doctor. It could take weeks or months before you can finally identify which vertigo-causing condition you have. 

To help the physician narrow down the possible explanation of why you feel like your body and surrounding are spinning, we suggest providing as many details as possible. Here are some guide questions to help you give an accurate description of your situation: 

  • How often do your vertigo attacks happen?
  • What are the accompanying symptoms?
  • Do you have noticeable triggers like moving your head or shifting your body’s position?
  • How long do your vertigo episodes last? 
  • Do you have pre-existing health concerns like Parkinson’s disease, migraines, and multiple sclerosis? 
  • Do you have gait problems? 
  • How would you describe your episodes? Are they mild or severe?
  • Did remedies like going to a chiropractor provide you vertigo relief in Pittsburgh PA


Possible Causes of Vertigo Episodes

The sooner you can schedule your visit to your primary physician, the faster you complete the diagnosis and receive the results. This way, you can determine if you have one or two of the most-common vertigo-causing conditions, such as:

  • Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
  • Inner ear infection
  • Meniere’s disease
  • Acoustic neuroma
  • Brain tumor
  • Vestibular neuritis
  • Vestibular migraines
  • Cervical subluxation
  • Orthostatic hypotension
  • Brain disease
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Stroke
  • Perilymphatic fistula


A Trusted Source of Vertigo Relief in Pittsburgh PA

Once you clearly understand your condition, it’s easier to find the right professional to help you. For example, you can head to Tranquility Specific Chiropractic to have your spine checked for misalignments. Vertigo episodes can stem from postural imbalances like cervical subluxation. 

When you have one or more bones misaligned along your spinal column, your head fails to drain fluids like blood and cerebrospinal fluid. This can lead to the onset of Meniere’s disease and trigger additional inner ear problems like tinnitus and loss of hearing.  

Additionally, a vertebral subluxation can also impact nerve signal transmission. This could result in confusion and miscommunication between your brain, the vestibular system, or the organs in charge of perceiving body orientation and movements.

We recommend getting your spine checked for subluxation if you notice frequent vertigo episodes. Whether your vertigo attacks stem from BPPV or other conditions, the husband and wife duo, Dr. Bragg and Dr. Gurcak, can help you achieve lasting vertigo relief in Pittsburgh PA

We can assess your spine’s structure through our comprehensive diagnostic tests and find the key points that require adjustments. This way, we can provide helpful chiropractic care and help you eliminate spinning sensations once and for all. 

Please schedule your appointment with us by calling (412) 833-1314 or accomplishing this online contact form.


To schedule a consultation with Dr. Bragg & Dr. Gurcak, call our Pittsburgh office at (412) 833-1314. You can also click the button below.

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