More and more people visit a vertigo chiropractic doctor in Pittsburgh for their symptoms. This comes as no surprise as about 40% of Americans experience some form of dizziness, such as vertigo and balance problems, at one point or another.

Vertigo causes a person to feel an uncontrollable sensation of spinning or moving. It’s not a medical condition but a symptom of one. Episodes of vertigo can strike gradually or quickly, lasting a few seconds or longer. 

You can describe vertigo in several ways:

  • Being still while the world is spinning around you
  • False feeling that you are rotating or spinning even when you’re not in reality
  • A sensation of rocking or floating
  • Lightheadedness
  • A sensation of being pulled off to the side
  • A sense of heaviness

Several health disorders can induce vertigo attacks of varying intensities. Lucky are those who only experience mild and barely noticeable attacks. Some suffer a hard hit with severe attacks that get in the way of their plans for the day. Some even develop anxiety, always dreading the next possible attack. Our vertigo chiropractic doctor in Pittsburgh  has specialized training to help people who suffer from vertigo.


How the Body Keeps Its Balance

When vertigo hits you out of the blue, you may feel like your body has no sense of balance, or your environment is whirling around you. You may feel surprised and seek a vertigo chiropractic doctor in Pittsburgh immediately. Any of these will not happen if your body’s balance system is working perfectly. However, when it begins to act up, you may find yourself unsteady on your feet. 

To maintain our balance, different parts of the body work together in a constant loop and respond to sensory input. These four parts make up the balance system: 

  • Vestibular system

Within the two ears are structures involved in the vestibular system. The vestibular system dictates the body’s movements to the brain, including how you feel. For example, when you are sitting in a moving car, the vestibular system depends on the fluid-filled canals within the inner ear to detect movements. Then, it transmits the signals to the brain. The body remains in proper balance when the vestibular apparatus within each ear are performing accurately. 

  • Muscles and joints

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and vertigo download our complimentary e-book How to Naturally Relieve Vertigo without Drugs by clicking the image below.

Muscles and joints manage proprioception. These two parts are consists of unique sensory receptors that are on alert to stimuli like stretch or pressure. The skin, joints, and muscle receptors relay signals to the brain about the body’s position in its environment. Among the most critical proprioceptors are in your ankles and neck. Your ankle’s position dictates to the brain the surface you’re stepping on and whether you’re moving or at rest. On the other hand, the sensors in the neck notify the brain in which direction your head is facing. 

  • Eyes

Feedback from your eyes is a crucial factor in your body’s balance system. What you see provides information to the brain about your body’s position in space and your orientation relative to your surroundings.  

  • Central nervous system

To remain balanced, information from the eyes, muscles, joints, and ears travel over the central nervous system (CNS). Then, they move to the brain, where the interpretation of the pieces of input happens. The brain crafts the best appropriate response to make you stay balanced. The three key parts of CNS that work on balance signals are the brainstem (signal sorting), cerebellum (coordination), and cerebral cortex (memory and thinking). 


Vestibular Conditions That Cause Vertigo

Vertigo mainly happens due to problems in the vestibular system, which involves structures of the inner ear and brain. As mentioned earlier, these parts are key players in maintaining our balance and eye movements.

Vestibular conditions can be consequences of head or neck trauma, genetics, environmental factors, and diseases. Some of the widespread vestibular conditions that bring about vertigo are the following:

  • Mal de debarquement

The sense of rocking, movement, or whirling that linger after returning from a boat ride.

  • BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo)

Tiny calcium crystals that stick within the inner ear migrate into the fluid-filled canals, causing an interruption in the normal balance signals. As a result, severe vertigo episodes persist.  

  • Meniere’s disease 

Excessive fluid pile up in the inner ear, leading to vertigo, tinnitus, temporary hearing loss, and fullness in the affected ear.

  • Labyrinthitis & vestibular neuronitis

Viral infections can irritate or swell parts of the inner ear and the nerve that facilitates balance signals to the brain. They result in vertigo.

  • Cervicogenic dizziness

Injury to the neck can lead to vertigo, loss of balance, and disorientation.


Consult with a Vertigo Chiropractic Doctor in Pittsburgh

Since head and neck injury can cause the onset of vertigo, many vertigo patients benefit from upper cervical chiropractic care. It is a natural method wherein an upper cervical doctor checks and corrects misalignment existing in the neck.

When the atlas, the topmost bone in the neck, shifts out of position, it can disrupt how the brainstem translates and processes balance output. Furthermore, it can cause inflammation and irritation that can ultimately lead to vertigo. When aligned appropriately, the atlas protects the brainstem and does not cause damage to it.  

At Tranquility Specific Chiropractic in Pittsburgh, PA, we analyze the health of the upper cervical spine using x-rays and diagnostic imaging. We find out if an atlas misalignment is a contributor to a patient’s vertigo.  If so, Dr. Gurcak or Dr. Bragg will employ a gentle, precise technique to restore normal the upper cervical alignment. The body can start to heal naturally, causing a reduction in the frequency and intensity of vertigo.

If you’re seeking a vertigo chiropractic doctor in Pittsburgh, call us at (412) 833-1314 and request a consultation with us. We can talk about your history and come up with a plan to approach your condition.

To schedule a consultation with Dr. Bragg & Dr. Gurcak, call our Pittsburgh office at (412) 833-1314. You can also click the button below.

If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at