If you ask every patient with fibromyalgia about their experience, they’d collectively cry out: “Painful!” 

They’d tell you about how they wake up in the morning with their whole body aching. Then, they might give you an example of what this disorder feels like– imagine getting run over by a raging bull, but you don’t have any wounds or bruises to explain the pain.

If you are not familiar with fibromyalgia, you would assume that it only brings unbearable physical strain. But, unfortunately, the harsh reality is that this invisible condition involves more indications, not just pain. 

As professionals who offer fibromyalgia relief in Pittsburgh, we want to use our platform to spread awareness of this chronic disorder. To give you an idea of what fibromyalgia patients face each day, here are ten typical fibromyalgia symptoms:

#1. Widespread pain

As mentioned above, widespread pain is the most telling indicator of fibromyalgia. However, the pain we describe here is more than just what you get when someone pinches you or slaps you.

Fibromyalgia pain is more profound– not only skin-deep but can be felt in the bones and joints. This is the kind of pain that makes you weak and forces you to lie down and rest for a good part of a day.

Some patients also describe fibromyalgia pain as a constant stabbing feeling– only there is no knife nor any other physical source of the pain.

#2. Hypersensitivity to touch

Medical experts often refer to fibromyalgia as a sensory or pain amplifier. This description makes sense, given that fibromyalgia is a neurological condition. Essentially, fibromyalgia can intensify sensations felt throughout the body.

To illustrate, you and your friend are watching a funny movie. Both of you just saw a hilarious scene that urged your friend to slap your elbow while uncontrollably laughing. An average person would feel minimal pain from the slap, and it would disappear quickly. 

However, the brain of a patient with fibromyalgia would interpret the slap as a more severe hit. So if you have fibromyalgia, this playful slap might feel excruciating and will remain so for a few hours.

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and fibromyalgia download our complimentary e-book Simple and Extremely Effective Ways to End Fibromyalgia Symptoms without Drugs by clicking the image below.

#3. Muscle cramps

Muscle spasm is another reason why people seek fibromyalgia relief in Pittsburgh. Patients with this disorder may experience muscle cramping or twitching from time to time without cause. 

These cramps can make day-to-day activities especially challenging for patients. Without complete control of their muscles, fibromyalgia patients are at risk of falling accidents and other related injuries. Imagine what would happen if you suddenly get an attack while driving or going up a flight of stairs. Muscle spasms may also get in the way of a good night’s rest.

#4. Joint and muscle stiffness

Waking up to a stiff neck after a full night of sleep is a nightmare. But, unfortunately, those with fibromyalgia have to endure more than a stiff neck. Because aside from constant pain, many patients complain about experiencing muscle and joint stiffness that manifest for no reason.

To illustrate what this stiffness feels like, visualize what could happen if you workout at the gym for an entire day. Imagine how your knees and legs would feel after walking a hundred miles.

#5. Persistent headaches or migraines

Did you know that migraines may exist alongside fibromyalgia? Since both of these conditions are neurological, they’re most likely connected. 

As a person with fibromyalgia, you might experiences debilitating, pulsating headaches from time to time– more frequently so with exposure to migraine triggers like:

  • Bright, flashing lights
  • Foul smells
  • Weather changes
  • Hormone fluctuations
  • Stress

Migraines can also intensify fibromyalgia symptoms. So if you are a migraineur too, you might want to add caution to your routines. If possible, do your best to avoid things that may trigger your migraine and fibromyalgia attacks.

#6. Gastrointestinal (GI) disorders

Those looking for fibromyalgia relief in Pittsburgh also lament about developing digestive issues. A lot of patients with fibromyalgia suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). According to research, 70% of fibromyalgia patients present gastrointestinal problems such as bloating, flatulence, diarrhea or constipation, and abdominal pain.

#7. Elevated reaction to sensory triggers

A person with fibromyalgia may also have heightened senses. This means that they are more sensitive to sensory stimuli such as changing lights, noise, movement, and smells. 

It seems that fibromyalgia not only affects how the brain processes pain but also other senses. To give you an overview, lofi chill music might sound loud for patients with fibromyalgia. Smelling certain scents (mild perfume, for example) can be too nauseating for them. 

#8. Severe fatigue and weakness

Fibromyalgia is also weakening.  Men and women with fibromyalgia complain of severe exhaustion despite staying in bed for an entire day. Experiencing chronic pain does take a toll on a person’s energy. 

#9. Fibro fog

As mentioned above, fibromyalgia is more complex than lingering and radiating body aches. It can also impact the mind as much as the body. Fibro-fog, for one, is a prime example of this.

Fibro-fog is a term used to describe reduced cognitive functions in patients with fibromyalgia collectively. If you experience fibro-fog, you might notice some issues with your concentration or focus. Not only that, but you might also have difficulties remembering new information.

#10. Depression and anxiety disorders

Reading the nine different fibromyalgia symptoms above is enough to make someone feel sullen and overwhelmed. Imagine if you’re living through these debilitating symptoms.

A majority of fibromyalgia patients also have a diagnosis of mood disorders like depression and anxiety. Coping with a chronic condition is a frustrating situation to live with. However, patients with fibromyalgia have no other choice but to get up and get on with their lives, trying to live as normally as possible.

At Tranquility Specific Chiropractic, we look up to these brave souls who never give up despite the challenges they face every day. So, we do our best to give them a chance to experience relief from fibromyalgia.


How We Help Men and Women with Fibromyalgia 

We bring fibromyalgia relief in Pittsburgh through upper cervical chiropractic care. We firmly believe that it can help reduce the severity of your fibromyalgia symptoms.

You might be wondering how the neck connects to the pain you experience. Let us enlighten you.

The upper neck is consists of the C1 and C2 vertebrae. These bones protect the brainstem, which is, basically, a super-highway of neurons and signals– communicating messages from the brain to the rest of the body.

So, if a misalignment exists in this region, these signals and messages would end up getting scrambled. And if the brain cannot process them properly, it might send pain signals throughout the body– which is a symptom of fibromyalgia. Hence, getting the misalignment corrected is a crucial step to get relief.

If you’re still skeptical about how upper cervical chiropractic care can help you, perhaps our past patients can convince you. Or better yet, try it out yourself!  Contact us today by clicking this link or calling (412) 833-1314. We’ll tell you more about our gentle and specific chiropractic technique.

To schedule a consultation with Dr. Bragg & Dr. Gurcak, call our Pittsburgh office at (412) 833-1314. You can also click the button below.

If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com.